Surprisingly Delicious: Grilled Potatoes Recipe

Imagine sinking your teeth into a crispy golden grilled potato, bursting with flavor and smoky goodness. Yes, grilled potatoes may sound simple, but this recipe takes it to a whole new level. With just a few basic ingredients and a hot grill, you can transform ordinary spuds into a mouthwatering side dish that will leave your taste buds begging for more. Say goodbye to bland boiled potatoes and say hello to a surprising and delectable twist on a classic favorite. Get ready to take your grilling game to a whole new level with this surprisingly delicious grilled potatoes recipe.


Gather Ingredients

To get started on your grilled potatoes, you’ll need a few key ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Potatoes: Choose your favorite variety, such as russet or Yukon gold.
  • Olive oil: This will help the potatoes get crispy and golden on the grill.
  • Salt and pepper: Seasoning is key for flavorful potatoes.
  • Optional marinade ingredients: You can enhance the flavor of your potatoes even more with different marinades, such as garlic and herbs, Cajun spices, or Parmesan and thyme.

Clean the Potatoes

Before you start slicing and marinating the potatoes, it’s essential to give them a good rinse. Use a brush or scrubber to remove any dirt or debris from the skin. This step ensures that your grilled potatoes are clean and ready to be cooked.

Slice the Potatoes

Once your potatoes are clean, it’s time to slice them. You can cut them into rounds, wedges, or even cubes, depending on your preference. Just make sure that the slices are evenly sized, so they cook at the same rate on the grill. A thickness of about 1/2 inch is ideal for perfectly grilled potatoes.

Prepare the Marinade

The marinade is what takes your grilled potatoes from ordinary to extraordinary. While it’s entirely optional, it adds an extra layer of flavor to your dish. You can keep it simple by using olive oil, salt, and pepper, or you can get creative with various herbs and spices. Allow the flavors to meld together by whisking all the marinade ingredients in a bowl.

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Coat the Potatoes

Now that your marinade is ready, it’s time to coat the potatoes. Place the sliced potatoes in a large bowl and pour the marinade over them. Use your hands or a spoon to make sure every potato is well-coated with the marinade. This step ensures that the flavors permeate the potatoes and adds an extra punch of taste.

Let the Potatoes Marinate

After coating the potatoes, let them marinate for at least 30 minutes to an hour. This resting time allows the flavors to penetrate the potatoes fully. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator while the potatoes marinate. The longer they marinate, the more intense the flavors will be.

Preheat the Grill

While the potatoes marinate, it’s essential to preheat your grill. Heat it to medium-high heat, which is typically around 375°F to 400°F (190°C to 204°C). Preheating ensures that your grill is hot and ready for cooking the potatoes to perfection.


Prepare the Grill

Before placing the potatoes on the grill, it’s essential to prepare it properly. Clean the grill grates with a brush to remove any leftover debris from previous grilling sessions. This step ensures that your potatoes won’t stick to the grates or acquire any unwanted flavors.

Grill the Potatoes

Once your grill is preheated and cleaned, it’s time to grill the potatoes. Carefully place the marinated potato slices on the grill grates and close the lid. Let them cook for approximately 5-7 minutes per side, or until they have a lovely golden brown color and are tender on the inside. Flip the potatoes halfway through the cooking time to ensure even cooking.

Flavor Variations

Garlic and Herb Grilled Potatoes

For a burst of savory flavors, try adding garlic and herbs to your grilled potatoes. Mix minced garlic, dried herbs like thyme, rosemary, or oregano, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Coat the potatoes with this mixture before marinating and proceed with the grilling process as usual. The result is an aromatic and delicious side dish that pairs well with grilled meats or even as a standalone snack.

Spicy Cajun Grilled Potatoes

If you’re a fan of a little heat, spice up your grilled potatoes with Cajun seasonings. Create a marinade with Cajun spices, such as paprika, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and a touch of salt and pepper. Let the potatoes soak up all the spicy goodness and then throw them on the grill. You’ll be rewarded with smoky, spicy, and utterly addictive potatoes that will add a fiery kick to any meal.

Parmesan and Thyme Grilled Potatoes

For a touch of elegance, try incorporating Parmesan cheese and fresh thyme into your grilled potatoes. Before placing the potatoes on the grill, sprinkle them with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and a sprinkle of chopped thyme. The cheese will melt and create a delightful crust on the potatoes, while the thyme adds a fragrant note. These flavorful potatoes are perfect for more sophisticated occasions or when you want to impress your guests.

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Serving Suggestions

Garnish with Fresh Herbs

To elevate the presentation and add a pop of freshness to your grilled potatoes, consider garnishing them with fresh herbs. Chopped parsley, cilantro, or chives work wonderfully and bring a vibrant and aromatic touch to the dish. Simply sprinkle the herbs over the grilled potatoes before serving to add a burst of color and flavor.

Pair with Grilled Meats

Grilled potatoes make the perfect accompaniment to a variety of grilled meats. Serve them alongside juicy steaks, flavorful chicken, or even grilled seafood. The crispy exterior and soft interior of the potatoes provide a delightful contrast to the meat, creating a well-balanced and delicious meal.

Serve with Dipping Sauces

For an extra level of indulgence, offer a selection of dipping sauces to accompany your grilled potatoes. Classic options like ketchup, mayonnaise, and BBQ sauce are always crowd-pleasers. Alternatively, you can prepare homemade sauces, such as garlic aioli, tzatziki, or chipotle mayo, to add a gourmet twist to your grilled potatoes.

Tips and Tricks

Use even-sized Potatoes

To ensure that your potatoes cook evenly and at the same rate, it’s crucial to use potatoes that are roughly the same size. This will prevent some slices from becoming overcooked while others remain undercooked. If your potatoes come in different sizes, you can always cut them into smaller or larger pieces to achieve uniformity.

Parboil Potatoes before Grilling

If you want to shorten the grilling time and ensure perfectly cooked potatoes, consider parboiling them before grilling. Parboiling involves partially boiling the potatoes until they are just slightly tender. This step helps to speed up the cooking process on the grill while still achieving that desired crispy exterior.

Create a Foil Packet for Easy Grilling

If you’re concerned about the potatoes falling through the grill grates or want to simplify the grilling process, consider using a foil packet. Place the marinated potatoes in the center of a large piece of aluminum foil, fold the edges together, and seal it tightly to create a packet. This method allows the potatoes to cook in their own steam and ensures that they stay moist and tender.

Flip Potatoes carefully

When it’s time to flip the potatoes on the grill, do it gently and carefully. Use a spatula or tongs to avoid damaging the slices. Flipping them too forcefully could cause the potatoes to fall apart or lose their shape. Take your time and handle them with care to maintain their integrity.

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Grill Maintenance

Clean the Grill Grates

Proper grill maintenance is essential for ensuring optimal grilling results and prolonging the life of your grill. After every grilling session, clean the grill grates with a brush to remove any leftover food particles and grease. This step prevents flare-ups and ensures that your food cooks evenly.

Oil the Grates

Before heating your grill, remember to oil the grates. Dip a folded paper towel in vegetable or canola oil, then use tongs to rub the oiled towel on the grates. This keeps the food from sticking to the grates and promotes those beautiful grill marks on your potatoes.

Safety Precautions

Use Long-Handled Tongs

When grilling potatoes, it’s important to prioritize safety. Use long-handled tongs to handle the potatoes, flip them on the grill, and remove them when they’re done. This keeps your hands away from the heat source and minimizes the risk of burns.

Keep Children and Pets Away

Grilling can be dangerous, especially when there are little ones or pets around. To avoid accidents, maintain a safe distance between grilling area and children or pets. Set clear boundaries and ensure that they understand the potential dangers associated with grilling.

Monitor the Flames

As you grill the potatoes, keep a close eye on the flames. Flare-ups can occur when the marinade or oil drips onto the grill’s fire, causing sudden bursts of flames. In the event of a flare-up, use long-handled tongs to move the potatoes to a safer spot on the grill. A little vigilance goes a long way in ensuring a safe and enjoyable grilling experience.

Leftover Ideas

Potato Salad

If you find yourself with leftover grilled potatoes, transform them into a delicious potato salad. Chop the grilled potatoes into smaller pieces and combine them with mayonnaise, mustard, chopped celery, onions, and any other ingredients you love in your potato salad. Season to taste and enjoy a flavorful and unique twist on this classic dish.

Potato Skins

Leftover grilled potatoes can also be transformed into crispy and cheesy potato skins. Cut the potatoes in half and scoop out a portion of the flesh, leaving enough to create a sturdy base. Fill the hollowed-out potatoes with cheese, bacon bits, and any other toppings you desire. Pop them back on the grill until the cheese is melted and bubbling, and serve them as a delicious appetizer or snack.

Mashed Potato Cakes

Another creative way to use up your grilled potatoes is to turn them into mashed potato cakes. Mash the grilled potatoes with a fork or potato masher, then form them into small patties. Dip each patty in beaten egg and coat with bread crumbs. Pan-fry the mashed potato cakes until they’re golden and crispy on the outside. These make a tasty side dish or a lovely addition to brunch.


Grilled potatoes are a delightful and versatile dish that can be enjoyed in various ways. From simple seasoning to unique flavor combinations, there’s a grilled potato recipe to suit every palate. With proper preparation, marinating, and grilling techniques, you can create a dish that is not only surprisingly delicious but also a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. So fire up your grill, gather your ingredients, and prepare to indulge in the irresistible flavors of perfectly grilled potatoes.