Summertime Sweetness: Grilled Peaches Recipe

Get ready to savor the taste of summer with this irresistible Grilled Peaches Recipe! Juicy and packed with flavor, these grilled peaches bring a touch of sweetness to any BBQ. With just a few simple ingredients and a quick grill, you can create a delectable dessert that will have everyone asking for seconds. So fire up the grill, grab some peaches, and get ready for a summer treat that is sure to delight your taste buds and impress your friends and family.


Fresh peaches

To make this delicious recipe, you will need fresh peaches. Look for peaches that are ripe but still firm, ensuring they will hold their shape on the grill.


Honey is a key ingredient in the glaze that adds a natural sweetness to the grilled peaches. It adds a rich, caramelized flavor that complements the natural sweetness of the fruit.


Cinnamon adds warmth and depth to the honey glaze. Its fragrant aroma will infuse the peaches with a delightful flavor that pairs perfectly with the sweetness of the fruit.

Vanilla extract

A splash of vanilla extract enhances the overall taste of the grilled peaches. It adds a subtle sweetness and a pleasant aroma to the final dish.


Butter is a final touch that can take the grilled peaches to a whole new level. By adding a dollop of butter to the peaches before grilling, you’ll create a decadent and indulgent treat.


Wash and slice the peaches

Before you start grilling the peaches, it’s important to wash them thoroughly to remove any dirt or residue. Once they are clean, slice them into halves or quarters, depending on your preference.

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Create the honey glaze

In a small bowl, combine the honey, cinnamon, and vanilla extract. Mix them together until they are well blended. You can adjust the sweetness of the glaze according to your taste. If you prefer a sweeter glaze, add more honey; if you like it less sweet, reduce the amount of honey.

Preheat the grill

To get started with grilling, preheat your grill to medium-high heat. This will ensure that the peaches cook evenly and develop those beautiful grill marks.

Brush peaches with glaze

Using a pastry brush, generously brush both sides of the peach slices with the honey glaze. Make sure that each slice is evenly coated, as this will help prevent them from sticking to the grill and add flavor to every bite.

Grill the peaches

Place the peach slices on the preheated grill and let them cook for about 2-3 minutes per side. The exact cooking time may vary depending on the heat of your grill and the size of the peach slices. Flip them gently using a spatula, ensuring they develop those desired grill marks and become slightly tender.

Serve and enjoy

Once the peaches are grilled to perfection, it’s time to serve and enjoy! They can be enjoyed alone as a sweet and juicy dessert or paired with other ingredients for a more elaborate dish.

Choosing the Perfect Peaches

Look for ripe but firm peaches

Choosing the right peaches is crucial for this recipe. Look for peaches that are ripe but still firm to the touch. This ensures that they will hold their shape when grilled, rather than becoming mushy or falling apart on the grill.

Check for a sweet aroma

One of the best ways to determine the ripeness of peaches is by checking for a sweet aroma. Ripe peaches will have a fragrant smell that is hard to resist. Give them a gentle sniff before making your selection.

Gently squeeze the peach

Another way to assess the ripeness of a peach is by giving it a gentle squeeze. A ripe peach should yield slightly to pressure but still feel firm. Avoid peaches that are overly soft or mushy, as they may not hold up well on the grill.

Avoid peaches with blemishes or bruises

When choosing peaches for grilling, it’s important to avoid those with blemishes or bruises. These imperfections can affect both the taste and texture of the grilled peaches. Opt for peaches that have smooth, unblemished skin for the best results.

Preparing the Glaze

Combine honey, cinnamon, and vanilla extract

To prepare the glaze, combine the honey, cinnamon, and vanilla extract in a small bowl. The honey acts as the main sweetener, while the cinnamon adds warmth and depth to the flavor. The vanilla extract adds a subtle sweetness and a delightful aroma that will enhance the taste of the peaches.

Mix until well blended

Using a spoon or whisk, mix the ingredients together until they are well blended. You want to ensure that the honey is evenly distributed throughout the glaze, creating a harmonious blend of flavors.

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Adjust sweetness according to taste

Taste the glaze and adjust the sweetness according to your preference. If you like a sweeter glaze, add more honey. If you prefer it less sweet, reduce the amount of honey. This way, you can customize the glaze to your liking and create a perfectly balanced flavor profile.

Getting the Grill Ready

Clean and oil the grill grates

Before preheating the grill, it’s important to clean and oil the grill grates. This helps prevent the peaches from sticking to the grill and ensures easy flipping. Use a grill brush to remove any residue or debris from the grates, then lightly brush them with oil to create a non-stick surface.

Preheat the grill to medium-high heat

To achieve the perfect grilled peaches, preheat your grill to medium-high heat. This temperature allows the peaches to cook evenly and develop those desired grill marks. It’s important to preheat the grill to ensure that the peaches start cooking immediately when they are placed on the grates.

Brushing the Peaches

Dip a pastry brush into the honey glaze

Take a pastry brush and dip it into the prepared honey glaze. The brush allows for even distribution of the glaze on the peach slices, ensuring that each bite is packed with flavor.

Brush both sides of the peach slices

Gently brush both sides of the peach slices with the honey glaze. This will enhance the sweetness and add a caramelized touch to the grilled peaches. Make sure to coat each slice evenly, as this will also help prevent them from sticking to the grill.

Make sure they are evenly coated

As you brush the glaze onto the peach slices, ensure that they are evenly coated. This will ensure that every bite is bursting with flavor and promotes an even caramelization during grilling. An even coating will also enhance the appearance of the final dish, making it look even more tempting.

Grilling the Peaches

Place the peach slices on the grill

Once your grill is preheated, carefully place the peach slices onto the grill grates. Make sure to leave some space between each slice to allow for even cooking. The grill should sizzle as soon as the peaches make contact with the grates, ensuring that they start cooking immediately.

Cook for 2-3 minutes per side

Let the peaches cook for approximately 2-3 minutes per side. This will give them enough time to develop those beautiful grill marks and become slightly tender. Keep a close eye on them, as cooking times may vary depending on factors such as grill temperature and peach thickness.

Flip gently using a spatula

When it’s time to flip the peach slices, use a spatula to gently turn them over. Be careful not to press down too hard, as you want to maintain their shape and prevent them from falling apart. Spatulas with a wide surface area work best for flipping delicate grilled fruits.

Peaches should have grill marks and be slightly tender

The grilled peaches are ready to be removed from the grill when they have developed grill marks on both sides and are slightly tender to the touch. The heat from the grill caramelizes the glaze, creating a beautiful charred exterior that adds depth and flavor to the peaches.

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Serving Suggestions

Serve grilled peaches with vanilla ice cream

One classic and irresistible way to enjoy grilled peaches is by pairing them with a scoop or two of creamy vanilla ice cream. The warm, caramelized peaches complement the cool and smooth ice cream, creating a delightful contrast of flavors and textures.

Top with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon

For an extra touch of sweetness and flavor, drizzle some honey on top of the grilled peaches. A sprinkle of cinnamon adds warmth and enhances the overall taste. This simple yet flavorful combination elevates the grilled peaches to a whole new level.

Garnish with fresh mint leaves

To add a pop of freshness and a touch of elegance to your grilled peaches, garnish them with some fresh mint leaves. Their vibrant green color and refreshing taste will provide a beautiful contrast to the warm, caramelized peaches.

Variations and Tips

Add a sprinkle of brown sugar before grilling

For an extra touch of sweetness and caramelization, sprinkle some brown sugar on the peach slices before grilling. This will create a delicious caramel crust on the peaches, adding depth of flavor and a pleasant crunch.

Try grilling with a dollop of butter in the center

To make the grilled peaches even more indulgent, place a small dollop of butter in the center of each peach slice before grilling. As the peaches cook, the butter will melt and infuse the fruit with richness and a silky texture.

Experiment with different spices in the glaze

While cinnamon is a classic spice to use in the honey glaze, feel free to experiment with other spices as well. Nutmeg, ginger, or even a pinch of cayenne pepper can add a unique twist to the flavor profile of the grilled peaches.

Serve grilled peaches as a side dish with grilled meats

Grilled peaches are not only a delightful dessert; they also make a fantastic side dish. Their natural sweetness pairs beautifully with the savory flavors of grilled meats, such as chicken or pork. Serve them alongside your favorite grilled protein for a complete and balanced meal.

Use nectarines or plums instead of peaches for variety

While peaches are a traditional choice for grilled fruit, you can mix things up by using nectarines or plums instead. Both fruits have similar textures and flavors, making them excellent alternatives. Grilling different fruits allows you to create a vibrant and diverse platter that will impress your guests.

Health Benefits of Grilled Peaches

Rich in vitamins A and C

Peaches are packed with essential vitamins, making them a nutritious choice for a summertime treat. They are particularly high in vitamins A and C, which are known for their antioxidant properties and their contribution to overall health.

Good source of dietary fiber

Grilled peaches provide a good amount of dietary fiber, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fiber aids in digestion and helps prevent issues such as constipation, promoting overall gut health.

Contain antioxidants

Antioxidants are compounds that help protect the body against damage from harmful free radicals. Peaches, especially when grilled, contain a variety of antioxidants that contribute to overall wellbeing and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

May aid in digestion

Thanks to their high fiber content, grilled peaches can contribute to smooth and regular digestion. They can help prevent digestive issues and promote a healthy gut by keeping things moving efficiently.

Help maintain healthy skin

The vitamins and antioxidants found in grilled peaches can contribute to healthy and radiant skin. Vitamin C, in particular, plays a crucial role in collagen production, which helps maintain the elasticity and youthful appearance of the skin.

In conclusion, grilled peaches are a delightful and versatile summertime treat. With their natural sweetness and the added flavors from the honey glaze, these grilled fruits offer a delectable and healthy option for dessert or as a side dish. Whether enjoyed on their own, paired with vanilla ice cream, or added to savory grilled meats, the possibilities are endless. So grab some fresh peaches, fire up the grill, and indulge in the sweet, caramelized goodness of grilled peaches.